Between the Bells: Ms. Cunningham

Following the departure of Mrs. Broaddus, the English Department had big shoes to fill. The Gauntlet sat down with Mrs. Cunningham, who stepped into her role to the delight of students.


Carol Kaelson/Photographer

Mrs. Cunningham and her best friend Alyssa participated on the notorious show, Wheel of Fortune.

After the birth of her daughter this summer, Mrs. Broaddus began teaching part-time in the upper school, leaving a big role for another English teacher to take.

Enter Ms. Nicole Cunningham.

Ms. Cunningham has just finished her first-semester teaching at Saint Stephen’s. Recently, The Gauntlet staff had the opportunity to sit down and catch up with Mrs. Cunningham to talk about her life and journey in getting to Saint Stephen’s.

Q: Where are you originally from?

A: Right here in Sarasota, FL.

Q: What would be your spirit animal?

A: Probably an owl. I’m the quiet-type that would much rather observe than be part of the noise.

Q: What brought you to Saint Stephen’s?

A: Mr. Yanelli. I know him through the local theatre community and he has nothing but good things to say about Saint Stephen’s.

Q: What do you expect from your students?

A: Do the work, get the grade, graduate.

Q: What has been your favorite memory so far this year?

A: As the final project of my rhetoric unit, my sophomores had to compose an essay explaining why they are the best person to lead the school through a zombie apocalypse and present it as a speech. I don’t think I’ve ever had as much fun listening to a rhetorical essay.

Q: What would be a dream vacation for you?

A: Put me in a Scottish castle with an enormous library and I’m set.

Q: Who is your biggest inspiration?

A: Honestly, my dad. He’s everything I want to be and more.

Q: What is the coolest adventure you’ve been on?

A: When I was an undergrad, I received a grant to travel to South Africa and write a play based on my experience there. I wouldn’t trade that opportunity for anything in the world.

Q: Do you have a favorite sports team?

A: Go Steelers!

Q: Since you are an English teacher, do you have a favorite novel?

A: Of course! Notes From Underground by Dostoevsky.

Q: If you were to have dinner with one celebrity who would it be and why?

A: Bredon Urie. Panic! at the Disco was my favorite band growing up and I’m really excited to see Urie’s still doing well. He’s also just a fun time waiting to happen if you’ve ever watched any of his interviews.

Mrs. Cunningham recently visited the country of South Africa and saw some stunning views.











Mrs. Cunningham also recently visited the magnificent Yellowstone National Park.