Video: Homecoming theme announced in hilarious short film

The news we’ve all been waiting for is finally out. Student Council has revealed this year’s homecoming theme.

Mark Gharby, Section Editor

Homecoming week is arguably the most fun week of the school year. Every year, students plan costumes, dances, cheers, and banners to compete against other grades for a chance to go on a trip to Busch Gardens.

This year’s theme is (Drumroll please…): Road Trip!

The theme was announced in a comical video produced by the student council that brought the entire commons to laughter.

Here are the daily themes:

Monday – No school, use this time to have last minute rehearsals and preparations 

Tuesday – Dallas, Texas as we head out to the fields for a hoe-down style relay race. Wear your country best!

Click image for the hilarious video of the theme reveal. (Photo:) Last year’s relay race was themed in the Classical Era.








Wednesday – Los Angeles, California.  Look to dress in Hollywood star attire for the famous dance-off.

The class of 2020’s dance-off.








Thursday – Washington, DC. Dress red-white-and-blue and patriotic for the student-faculty basketball game and paint your banners with all things America.

The teachers won the student-faculty basketball game last year.










Friday – Honolulu, Hawaii. The tropical-style pep rally will occur in the gym as we dress in island attire and deliver our floats and cheers.

Friday’s event is a pep rally which includes a float, cheer, and banner presentation.







Homecoming week is a huge opportunity for grades to come closer together and rack up some spirit points. The week can make or break your class’s campaign for the first place spot in the spirit competition.